April 06, 2017

Winter 2017 Leaderboard Winners

Congratulations to all of the leaderboard winners. These students have completed the most competitive programming problems over the course of the Winter 2017 semester. The first and second place winners won a lunch with the CTO of Arcurve Inc.


  1. Thomas Vu
  2. Teresa Van
  3. Ian Eliopoulos
  4. Jerome Adviento
  5. Michael Hoang
  6. Sean Ovens

February 28, 2017

Calgary Collegiate Programming Contest 2017

Registration for CCPC 2017 has now begun. Like the ACPC, we are hosting two contest divisions so all levels of experience are welcome. The deadline for signing up is March 15 at 11:30pm. Spots are limited, so sign up as soon as possible.

January 16, 2017

Executive Position Applications

Interested in becoming a PSC executive? You will learn how an organization works internally, how to plan and prepare for events as a team, network with sponsors, and earn CCR hours. From working with the CPSC department to hosting workshops, you’ll pick up many new skills as an executive.

As an executive, you will attend weekly Wednesday meetings, aid in preparing for programming contests (CCPC & ACPC), help new members get settled in, and learn the ins and outs of what makes us the Problem Solving Club. Along with that, you can help out with workshops, and possibly work on our website, leaderboard, or anything else that you are interested in.

Please apply by January 31, 2017 in order to be considered for a position.

November 12, 2016

Wednesday Meeting - Dynamic Programming

This Wednesday, November 16, Dr. Hoyer will be teaching a session on dynamic programming.

Dynamic programming problems are quite prevalent in both programming contests and in technical interviews at companies like Facebook, Google, Microsoft, etc., so having a good understanding will make you really stand out.

To give perspective, there were two dynamic programming problems in the last ACPC, and the top 3 teams were the ones who were able to solve those problems. Understanding how to solve these problems might make the difference between placing 15th and in the top 3.

October 05, 2016

Alberta Collegiate Programming Contest 2016 Registration

Registration for the ACPC is now open. We are hosting two divisions so all levels of experience are welcome. Space is limited, so sign up early! The deadline for signing up is Wednesday, October 12. A big thanks to Arcurve for sponsoring this contest.