January 26, 2021

CCPC 2021 Contest

Welcome back to the winter semester! We are excited to announce that the Calgary Collegiate Programming Contest (CCPC) will take place on March 13, 2021. CCPC is hosted by us (CPC) along with the help of our official sponsor, Synopsys.

This is the perfect event for students to demonstrate and test their problem-solving abilities through programming. We have two divisions, so we strongly encourage first-year students to test their skills in the contest.

The deadline to register for the contest is March 11, 2021 at 11:00PM MST, but capacity is limited and has historically sold out! With that being said, you can register and find full contest details by clicking on the poster below or buttons above!
** Please note not all languages may be able to produce a solution to some questions.

October 24, 2020

ACPC 2020 Contest

Competitive Programming Club (CPC) with the help of Arcuve as official sponsor, is once again hosting the Alberta Collegiate Programming Contest (ACPC). We hope you can join us this November 14th from 10:30AM to 6:20PM for this fully online event!

This is the perfect event for students to demonstrate and test their problem-solving abilities through programming. We have three divisions, so we strongly encourage first-year students to test their skills in the contest and anyone who wants to join. The third division is not open to prizes.

The deadline to register for the contest is Thursday, November 12, 2020 at 10:00pm MST, but capacity is limited and has historically sold out! With that being said, you can register and find full contest details by clicking on the poster below or buttons above!

** Please note not all languages may be able to produce a solution to some questions.

February 01, 2020

CCPC 2020 Contest

Welcome back to the winter semester! We are excited to announce that the Calgary Collegiate Programming Contest (CCPC) will take place on March 14, 2020. CCPC is hosted by us (CPC) along with the help of our official sponsor, Synopsys.

There will also be lunch and coffee served at the event, along with a talk by Synopsys. This is the perfect event for students to demonstrate and test their problem-solving abilities through programming. We have two divisions, so we strongly encourage first-year students to test their skills in the contest.

The deadline to register for the contest is March 11, 2020 at 10:30AM MST, but capacity is limited and has historically sold out! With that being said, you can register and find full contest details by clicking on the poster below or buttons above!
** Please note not all languages may be able to produce a solution to some questions.

November 03, 2019

ACPC 2019 Contest

Competitive Programming Club (CPC) with the help of Arcuve as official sponsor, is once again hosting the Alberta Collegiate Programming Contest (ACPC). We hope you can join us this November 23rd from 10:00AM to 5:30PM. We will be serving coffee and lunch, and a talk by Arcurve. We have two divisions, so we strongly encourage first year students to test their skills in the contest.

The deadline to register for the contest is Wednesday, November 20th (10:00PM MST), but capacity is limited and has historically sold out! With that being said, you can register and find full contest details by clicking through the official poster or buttons above!

** Please note not all languages may be able to produce a solution to some questions.

March 13, 2019

CCPC 2019 Winners!

Thank you everyone who attended, volunteers, and Synopsys for another successful Calgary Collegiate Programming Contest. Copious amounts of caffine and subway/pizza were consumed by the hardworking teams. We would like to commend all of you for your efforts!

However, there were only a few teams that stood out above the rest. Here are the official results:

Division Placement Team Name Members
Div 1 1st "https://victorz.ca" Victor Zheng
Div 1 2nd Confidently Composing Practical Code Kendra Wannamaker, Dante Bencivenga
Div 1 3rd Coskun
Div 2 1st Bullfrogs Ce Zheng, Tejus Gangadharaiah, Zachary Lau
Div 2 2nd BickleBlatoon Ethan Kerr, Umut Emre, Xinhua Cao

Full results can be found at Kattis Contest Page.
Pictures can be found here!

Events like these could not happen without the help of volunteers, participants, and our sponsor Synopsys. Thank you everyone!